Welcome, just as you are in this moment…

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The entry point to healing is already underway. As humans, we make mistakes and grieve for the ways we’ve lost ourselves. We unknowingly, and at times knowingly, hurt others out of our own suffering. We long for connection and nurturing, yet often look outside of ourselves to receive it. 

Often times, we need assistance to help us come back home to the loving presence that is available in each of us. This tender, heart breaking, heart opening, sideways maze of life doesn't have to be traveled alone or in the dark.

Healing can begin by opening the heart to receiving support.

I support my clients in developing practices to address emotional discomfort. Being human is messy, and none of us are immune to the mess, yet most of us have challenges loving our "messy" parts. Therapy can offer a pathway to learning how to embrace all of life's messiness.


I was born and raised in Georgia growing up in the neighborhoods of Stone Mountain and Lawrenceville until leaving for college at Western Carolina University. While studying communications and psychology in undergrad, I became interested in careers that could promote healing and serve my community.


After a few years in the field of social work, I became clear on my intention to become a mental health therapist and completed my masters degree in professional counseling at Georgia State University in 2009.

After obtaining my masters degree, I began working at a non-profit community agency offering substance abuse and mental health therapy to men and women in the justice system.

Several years after working in an outpatient substance abuse program, I transitioned to a group private practice in North Atlanta. I have been offering individual and family counseling to adults and teens since 2012.

My Tools


Another aspect to my personal and professional development that has been instrumental in my life, and what I offer others, is the introduction to mindfulness meditation and subsequent practice and study over the last 10 years. This has included participating in multiple Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction courses, cultivating a personal meditation practice, yearly silent meditation retreats, and teaching Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction courses in connection with Atlanta Mindfulness Institute. These paths of study have allowed me to cultivate a foundation of compassion and acceptance that is instrumental in my own path of healing and ongoing transformation.

I am accepting new clients at my space at the Atlanta Somatic Healing Psychotherapy Center in Sandy Springs, GA. Click below to check availability and request an appointment.